I will Turn Up and vote at the 2024 General Election

A General Election has been called for Thursday 4th July 2024.

Pledge to Turn Up and vote today and we'll send you all the information you need to take part in the election.

The student and youth movement is leading the way in demanding a better, brighter future. But if we want politicians and political parties to take note, we need to back up our words with action at the ballot box.

Our voice will only be heard if we Turn Up at elections. Students and apprentices make up 10% of the voting population - we have the power to make ourselves heard.

General Elections usually only happen every 5 years, so if you don’t use your vote you’ll likely have to wait another half decade to have your say. 

Sign the petition and make it clear that student and young people's voices can’t be ignored, pledge to Turn up and vote in 2024. I weld y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg, cliciwch yma.

81 signed so far. Help us get to 5000!

Will you sign?